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SOAP API methode SubProfile_processedEmailings


All the emailings there this subprofile was a destination.


Naam Type Beschrijving
id * int Unique identifier (id) of the object SubProfile. The method only applies to the subprofile with this id.
timestamp string The timestamp for the historic subprofile
type string The possible values are "individual", "mass", "both", false
test string The possible values are "test", "normal", "both", false
contenttype string The possible values are "html", "text", "both", false
archived string Include the archived mailings: "yes" | "no" | "both"
followups string Include followups: "yes" | "no" | "both"
order string The possible values are 'id', 'timestamp', 'individual', 'test', 'embedded', 'contenttype', 'personalize', 'destinationcount'
asc boolean Order in ascending order
search Collection of type 'search' Array with search options where the following fields are allowed: The following fields are allowed: - totalmin: integer with minimum amount of sent messages - totalmax: integer with maximum amount of sent messages - impressionsmin: integer with minimum amount of impressions - impressionsmax: integer with minimum amount of impressions - errorsmin: integer with minimum amount of errors - errorsmax: integer with maximum amount of errors - clicksmin: integer with minimum amount of clicks - clicksmax: integer with minimum amount of clicks - fromdate: string date in mysql format to show all mailings from this date - todate: string date in mysql format to showl all mailings to this date - documentname: string show all mailings who sent a document with this name - subject: string subject show all mailings who had this subject - documentnameorsubject: string to show mailings with the value like subject or document name. - database: integer with id of the database the mailing was sent to - view: integer with id of the view the mailing was sent to - collection: integer with id of the collection the mailing was sent to - miniview: integer with id of the miniview the mailing was sent to
login Structure of type 'login' Optional login data (soon deprecated)
access_token string Optional api access token
start int Optional parameter that specifies the first element in the collection to be returned. If this parameter is omitted, the first entry in the collection is also the first entry that is returned. Use this parameter is you only want to retrieve a part of the collection.
length int Optional parameter that can be used to limit the number of returned elements of this method. If this parameter is omitted, all entries in the collection are returned. If you specify a length, this method will not return more than the specified number of entries.
allproperties boolean Optional parameter that specifies if only a limited number of properties of the requested objects are returned or, when this parameter is set to true, whether all properties of the objects are returned.
* verplichte parameters


Naam Type Beschrijving
start int The first element of the collection
length int The number of elements that are returned
total int The total available elements of the collection
allproperties int When this element is available in the return value, the objects in the collection are fully filled, otherwise only a limited number of fields from the objects are filled
processedemailing Collection of type 'processedemailing'

Structuur 'pair'

Naam Type Beschrijving
key string
value string

Structuur 'search'

Naam Type Beschrijving
pair Structure of type 'pair'

Structuur 'login'

Naam Type Beschrijving
username string The username of the login attempt
account string The account name of the login attempt
password string The password for the login attempt

Structuur 'processedemailing'

Naam Type Beschrijving
embedded boolean Are the images embeded?
contenttype string The contenttype of the mailing.
registerclicks string Will the clicks be registered?.
registerimpressions boolean Will the impressions be registered?.
registererrors boolean Will the errors be registered?.
clickcount int The total number of clicks.
impressioncount int The total number of impressions.
errorcount int The total number of errors.
abusecount int The total number of abuses that were registered
destinationcount int The total number of destinations.
id int Get the ID of the mailing.