Edward Touw

Copernica’s open source projects

Written by Edward Touw on

Every once in a while, when developing our software, we run into issues we know we can’t be the only ones having them. That’s why at Copernica we initiated some of our own open-source projects. To address these issues, and to share their solutions with the rest of the world. (Well, and to receive help from the community of course.)

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Projects we’re working on right now:


PHP-CPP is a C++ library for developing PHP extensions the easy way. Copernica CTO Emiel Bruijntjes initiated the project because he found out the existing way of combining PHP and C++ is an unnecessarily difficult process.

Learn more about PHP-CPP on Github


AMQP-CPP is a C++ library for communicating with a RabbitMQ message broker. The library will be used to speed up the process of sending emails with MailerQ.

Learn more about AMQP-CPP on Github