Login, logout and forgot password form

Creating a login, logout or lost password form is done in a fews steps. This article shows you how they are created.

You will need.

  1. A database with at least two fields containing unique values for each profile. For instance a field containing the e-mail address and a field to store the password (or a client number).
  2. A webpage to put the form on.
  3. A landing page for the web form.

Create a web form wherein at least two fields are included. For instance the email field, and a field holding the password (or a customer code if you like). Both fields must be set as a required key field.

  • Go to the web form settings and choose the following setting
  • Login as a profile from the database [database]
  • Choose a button text and the next page.

Go to the Edit profiles tab

  • The form applies to … each profile that matches the key fields
  • The profile should be updated
  • An error should be displayed (e.g., the e-mail address was not found in the database)
  • In the overview, click on finish to store the behaviour settings

Place the login form somewhere on your web page using the {webform name=""} tag.

Lets make the web form landing page not accessible for people who are not logged in.

  • Go to the webpage menu en choose ‘Set access’
  • Choose: This page is only available for logged in visitors

The web form is now ready to test.


Create a new web form

  • Do not add any fields, just go to the web form settings
  • Choose ‘logout’ from the setting option and choose a button text. Click store and place the form (consisting of only a single button) somewhere on a web page.
  • If the button is pressed by a logged in user, he or she will be logged out immediately.

Question: is it possible to use a text link instead of the button?

Yes, you can do this with JavaScript and XSLT. For a JavaScript example go to http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/textsubmit.shtml

You can also use CSS to manipulate the appearance of the form element button.

Forgot password??

Not a problem.

Create a new web form with and add one field: the e-mail address. Make this field a required key field. Go to the web form settings and choose for ‘No change’ in the general settings tab.

Go to the Edit profiles tab and choose the following settings:

  • The form applies to ...each profile that matches the key fields
  • The profile should be…updated
  • What should be done if no profile is found.. show an error message (e.g, e-mail address not found)
  • In the overview, click on finish to store the new web form behaviour

Someone submitted the web form and wants to retrieve his password via e-mail.

Link a follow-up action to the web form (you can do so via the Webform menu > follow-ups.

  • Cause: a profile or subprofile is found
  • Action: send an e-mail text message
  • Choose ‘the same profile or same subprofile’
  • Edit the content of the e-mail and personalize it with the field containing the password, for instance {$password}

Test the web form and follow-up. Did not receive the email? Make sure that the database field that holds the email addresses is an email field.