Is your email marketing list working hard enough for your business?

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Email is a powerful marketing tool. Its importance nowadays is often overlooked but, if used effectively, email can be utilised to help build a strong relationship with both your existing and potential customers leading to increased engagement and consequently, sales.

However, many marketers are missing opportunities within their emailing lists to generate revenue by not communicating with customers at times which maximise revenue potential. In order to better understand the needs of your customer, step into their shoes.

Consider the types of communications that may encourage you if you were a customer to make a purchase, and at what point in the customer lifecycle. Remember that all customers have different needs and behave in different ways, and that a one size fits all approach will not be effective.

As your email list grows, the process becomes much more time consuming and the result is that inevitably, revenue opportunities are missed. However, automated email campaigns can be set up to communicate with your customers at pre-determined points, with the aim of establishing as close to a one-to-one relationship with your brand as possible.

Download our free short guide which will take you through some of the best ways to uncover missed revenue opportunities within your email marketing list, and help you to deliver a more targeted and effective email campaign.

Download Our Free Guide: Uncovering Missed Revenue Opportunities Within Your Email Marketing List