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SOAP API method PdfTemplateImageBlock_retrieve


Name Type Description
id * string The identifier (id) of the object that is retrieved
* required parameters

Return values

Name Type Description
pdftemplateimageblock Structure of type 'pdftemplateimageblock' All properties of the retrieved pdftemplateimageblock

Structure 'pdftemplateimageblock'

Name Type Description
status DataSourceString The status of the block.
fitmethod DataSourceString The fitMethod of the block
orientate DataSourceString The orientation of the content of the block.
rotate DataSourceFloat The rotation of the block.
name string The name of the block.
description string The description of the block.
showborder DataSourceBoolean Is the border shown?.
position DataSourcePdfPosition The position of the block.
boxsize DataSourcePdfBoxSize The boxsize of the block.
refpoint DataSourcePdfRefPoint The refpoint of the block.
bordercolor DataSourcePdfColor The bordercolor of the block.
backgroundcolor DataSourcePdfColor The backgroundcolor of the block.
linewidth DataSourceFloat The linewidth of the block.
id string The ID of the template block.