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SOAP API method User_update


Name Type Description
id * string The identifier (id) of the object that is updated
end * timestamp The timestamp when the user is ended.
gender * string The gender of the user.
name * string The name of the user.
description * string The description of the user.
email * string The email address of the user.
phone * string The phone number of the user.
sms * string The sms number of the user.
fax * string The fax number of the user.
styleadmin * boolean Returns if the user is style admin.
apiaccess * boolean Returns if the user has access to the API.
disabled * boolean Is this user disabled?.
receivenews * boolean Will this user receive the news?.
language * string The prefered language of the user.
timezone * string Get the timezone for the user. If no timezone is set an empty string is returned.
unsecure * boolean Is this an insecure user?.
* required parameters

Return values

Name Type Description
user Structure of type 'user' All properties of the now updated user

Structure 'user'

Name Type Description
id int The ID of the user.
created timestamp The timestamp when the user is created.
end timestamp The timestamp when the user is ended.
gender string The gender of the user.
name string The name of the user.
description string The description of the user.
email string The email address of the user.
phone string The phone number of the user.
sms string The sms number of the user.
fax string The fax number of the user.
applicationadmin boolean Returns if the user is application admin.
accountadmin boolean Returns if the user is account admin.
styleadmin boolean Returns if the user is style admin.
dummy boolean Returns if the user is a dummy user.
apiaccess boolean Returns if the user has access to the API.
uiacess boolean Returns if the user has access to the user interface.
disabled boolean Is this user disabled?.
active boolean Is this user active?
receivenews boolean Will this user receive the news?.
language string The prefered language of the user.
timezone string Get the timezone for the user. If no timezone is set an empty string is returned.
unsecure boolean Is this an insecure user?.