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SOAP API method WebFormFollowUp_webform


The webform that this follow up belongs to.


Name Type Description
id * int Unique identifier (id) of the object WebFormFollowUp. The method only applies to the webformfollowup with this id.
personalize_profile int Profile ID for which the object should be personalized
personalize_subprofile int Subprofile ID for which the object should be personalized
personalize_timestamp string The timestamp for the personalization
login Structure of type 'login' Optional login data (soon deprecated)
access_token string Optional api access token
* required parameters

Return values

Name Type Description
webform Structure of type 'webform'

Structure 'login'

Name Type Description
username string The username of the login attempt
account string The account name of the login attempt
password string The password for the login attempt

Structure 'webform'

Name Type Description
id int The ID of the document.
name string Get the name of the webform.
login string Is this webform used for a login check?
archived boolean Get if the webform is archived.
modified string The last modification time of the webform.
created string The creation time of the webform.
buttontext string The text that appears on the button in the default xslt.
nexturl string The url/page where the webform returns after handling the process.
timezone string Get the timezone of the webform
htmlEscaping string Check if the webform is escaping HTML code