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SOAP API method Database_import


Get an existing import based on its id.


Name Type Description
id * int Unique identifier (id) of the object Database. The method only applies to the database with this id.
identifier * int id
login Structure of type 'login' Optional login data (soon deprecated)
access_token string Optional api access token
* required parameters

Return values

Name Type Description
import Structure of type 'import'

Structure 'login'

Name Type Description
username string The username of the login attempt
account string The account name of the login attempt
password string The password for the login attempt

Structure 'import'

Name Type Description
id int The ID of the import.
status string The status of the import.
laststarttime timestamp The time when the import was started.
nextstarttime timestamp The time when the next import starts.
strange boolean Is the input 'strange'?.
type string The type of the import.
deletetarget string Set the delete target
ignoreemptyfields boolean Should empty fields be ignored in the import?
removemissing boolean Should the missing profiles or subprofiles be removed?.
name string The name of the import.
repeatable boolean Can this import be used as a periodic import?.
delimiter string The delimter to seperate the columns in the data.
countlines int The number of lines in the import.
countprocessed int The number of lines that are already processed.
maxmatches int The max amount of matches there will be changed if there are more profiles/subprofiles.
datetimeformat string The source format of datetime fields in the import file
rebuilding boolean Setting that indicates if the database should be rebuilt afterwards
notification string Returns a string containing one or more e-mail addresses that
schedule string iCalender schedule string that controls when the event runs. If this property is set, the interval and iterations settings can be ignored.