Copernica partner 30Knots E-commerce & E-mailmarketing

30 Knots is an e-commerce and online marketing agency with a specialisation in email marketing and marketing automation. Together with you and for you we develop an optimal email marketing strategy, responsive email templates and content marketing plan and we can also execute this for you if you want. Our team consists of pragmatic people with a strong passion for e-commerce and email marketing and combine strong thinking skills with practical acting skills. Our focus is on webshops in the B2B and B2C market segment. Due to the fact that we exploit a couple of webshops in the B2B and B2C market segments by ourselves we test a lot of email marketing and marketing automation campaigns and we use this knowledge we gained from this for your business to realise more conversions and more interaction with existing customers and new customers, cause we know what works!
Contact 30Knots E-commerce & E-mailmarketing
Afslag 6 3981 PD Bunnik Netherlands085-8770649 (7)
Full campaign management
Together we develop an email marketing strategy which results in more conversions, more interaction with existing and new customers and realises a continous growth from your email marketing database. We can execute this strategy for you, but we can also train you to use the Copernica Marketing Software in an optimal way so that you are able to develop smart email marketing campaigns by yourself. Are you in for a cup of coffee and talk about the ideal email marketing strategy for your business? Call 030-7371177.
HTML templates
Regarding your corporate identity and matching with the specific goals of your email marketing campaign we develop email templates in the Copernica Marketing Software. Our templates are fully responsive which means that these templates are tested on a smartphone, tablet and desktop and are also tested for several email clients. Call 030-7371177 for more information.
To make optimal use of the Copernica Marketing Software we can offer trainings for your department or team. These trainings can be fully focussed on these parts of the software that will be daily used most in your business. The trainings can be given at our office in Bunnik but can also be given incompany at your location. Want to get more information? Call 030-7371177.
Design is an important aspect for succesfull email marketing campaigns. That's why we develop templates with attention so that these templates suits with your corporate identity and specific goals for that specific email marketing campaign. We can also help you to develop landingspages that suits your corporate identity and specific campaign goals. For more information call 030-7371177.
Web forms
Webforms are an essential part of succesfull email marketing campaigns. We develop webforms and connect these forms with your website or webshop. The generated data in these forms will be immdediately synchronised with your Copernica database. This updated data can be used for smart follow up actions. For questions, call 030-7371177.
Data validation and optimization
To set up marketing automation and send personalized mailings relevant and updated data is crucial. We are able to set up smart marketing automation campaigns by establishing the Copernica database in a smart way and to work on data optimalization continuously. In this way we are able to generate new relevant leads for your business. Curious for the possibillities? Call 030-7371177.
Magento plugins
Specially for Magento webshops we have a connection between Magento and Copernica. This connection synchronises all of the customer data from your webshop with Copernica. This connection gives you the possibility to set up smart marketing automation campaigns based on the behavings of your customers. For more information call 030-7371177.
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