REST API v4: GET subprofile emailings (Publisher)

A method to request a list of all mailings sent from Publisher to a specific subprofile. This is an HTTP GET call to the following address:{$subprofileID}/publisher/emailings

Don't forget to replace {$subprofileID} by the ID of the subprofile you want to retrieve the emailings for.

Available parameters

  • type: The type of mailing between mass or individual, defaults to both.
  • followups: Indicates if we only use follow-up mailings ("yes"), only mailings that were not the result of a follow-up ("no") or all mailings ("both"). Defaults to "both".
  • test: Indicates if we only use test mailings ("yes"), only mailings that were not a test ("no") or all mailings ("both"). Defaults to "both".
  • mindestinations: Only retrieve mailings at least this many destinations.
  • maxdestinations: Only retrieve mailings with at most this many destinations.
  • fromdate: Only retrieve mailings sent after this date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format).
  • todate: Only retrieve mailings sent before this date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format).

This method also supports paging parameters.

Returned fields

The method returns a JSON object with several emailings in the data field. Each emailing contains the following fields:

  • id: The ID of the mailing
  • timestamp: The timestamp
  • document: ID of the document used for the mailing
  • template: ID of the template used for the mailing
  • subject: Subject of the mailing
  • from_address: The from address of the mailing as an array. (With properties 'name' and 'email')
  • destinations: The number of destinations.
  • testgroups: Amount of testgroups
  • finalgroup: ID of the final group (only relevant in case of a splitrun)
  • type: The type of mailing: mass or individual.
  • clicks: Amount of clicks for this mailing
  • impressions: Amount of opens for this mailing
  • contenttype: The type of content in the mailing: html, text or both.
  • target: Array containing the target type and the ID and type of its sources (for example the database a collection belongs to).

JSON Example

The JSON might look something like this:

    [id] => 1181
    [timestamp] => 2010-04-14 15:02:14
    [document] => 104
    [template] => 61
    [subject] => "Hello!"
    [from_address] => Array
            [name] => Copernica BV
            [email] =>

    [destinations] => 1
    [testgroups] => 0
    [finalgroup] => 1409
    [type] => individual
    [clicks] => 5
    [impressions] => 2
    [contenttype] => html
    [target] => Array
            [type] => database
            [sources] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [id] => 478
                            [type] => database




PHP Example

The following script demonstrates how to use this method. Because we use the CopernicaRestApi class, you don't have to worry about escaping special characters in the URL; it is done automatically.

// dependencies

// change this into your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 4);

// parameters to pass to the call
$parameters = array(
    'limit'                 => 10,
    'include_subprofiles'   => 'yes',
    'type'                  => 'mass',
    'followups'             => 'no',
    'registerclicks'        => 'yes',

// do the call, and print result
print_r($api->get("subprofile/{$subprofileID}/publisher/emailings", $parameters));

The example above requires the CopernicaRestApi class.

More information