Database fields

The structure of a database consists of fields, interests and collections. Fields are single data containers for things like text, a date or a number. Interests are binary fields that can only be positive or negative. By adding a collection to a database you add an extra layer to it. A collection also consists of single data fields, these fields are identical to the ones used in databases.

There are many different types of fields available for specific types of data. Among these are text fields, numeric fields and date fields. When designing a database most of the interface speaks for itself, but for good measure we'll describe the different aspects of databases below.

Field Description
Text field Letters [A-Z], numeric values [0-9] and/or underscores. Maximal number of characters is 225.
Numeric field Only numerical values [0-9]. Can't be an empty field. Always provide a standard value of 0.
Email field Email field is textfield, intended to safe emailaddresses.
Phone field Can be specified for fax, mobile and other phonenumbers.
Date and time fields Date field (yyyy-mm-dd). Time field contains the hours, minutes and seconds.
Country code field Accepts country codes by ISO 3166 standards.
Multiple choice field Can be used to provide multiple options. Option followed by * is the default value.
Large field Text field up to 16 million characters. Not recommended, because no indexing possible.
Reference field Field that can be used to reference a profile in another database using that profile's ID

You can easily set the values of your field with the "Edit multiple profiles" functionality.

Extra options for fields

While editing fields it is possible to select various extra options, such as sorting a field by default or hiding it. Below you'll find all options.

Editing hidden fields

Hidden fields cannot be seen in the profile editing interface. Use this option for fields you don't want to see or edit in the interface. It is still possible to import and export the data in these fields.

Showing a field on overview pages

On pages where a list of profiles is shown, only the fields that have this option activated are visible. Often times, a database has many more fields than the ones shown in such a list of profiles. By using this option you can display the profiles more clearly.

Sorted fields

This option allows you to sort your list based on a field. It can only be activated for one field at a time.

Indexed fields

This option can be used on fields you often search for or those you regularly use in selections, making them faster. You may index up to 64 fields, but using few fields will give you the fastest results. Large fields can not be indexed.


Interests are binary fields and can therefore only be turned on or off. You can also group multiple interests thereby allowing you to cluster them based on their subject. For example, if you send multiple newsletters, you could track a profile's subscription to these newsletters using a group of interests. Interests can be created in the Publisher in the Edit database field... menu under Database Management. In the Marketing Suite interests can be created by going to Manage fields which can by found by clicking on the gear in the top-right corner of the Database & Profiles section.

Creating or editing database fields in the Marketing Suite

To change the structure of your database, go to the section Database & Profiles and click on the gear in the top-right corner. Here you will find the option Manage fields where you will find the list of fields currently in the database and the option to add new fields or edit the ones that currently exist. Doing so will allow you to give the field a name, type, and change the extra options explained above.

Creating or editing database fields in the Publisher

To change the structure of your database, go to the Profiles section and go to the Edit database field... menu under Database Management. Here you will find the list of fields currently in the database and the option to add new fields or edit the ones that currently exist. Doing so will allow you to give the field a name, type, and change the extra options explained above.

More information

Having a clean well-maintained database is the key to successful campaigns. The articles below give you some tips on building and maintaining your database.