REST API: PUT database

Warning: You are viewing the documentation for the old REST API. We recommend using version 2 of the REST API.

A method to update the properties of a database. This is an HTTP PUT method, accessible at the following address:$id?access_token=XXX

Replace the $id by the identifier of the database you want to edit.

Available data

The following variables can be used in the body of the HTTP PUT request:

  • name: the optional new name of the database
  • description: the optional new database description
  • archived: optional boolean to determine whether or not a database should be archived.
  • created: when the database was created
  • fields: array of fields in the database
  • interests: array with interests in the database
  • collections: array with the collections in the database

PHP example

The following example demonstrates how to use the API method:

// dependencies

// change this into your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestApi("your-access-token");

// declare the id of the database that you want to edit
$id = 1;

// data to be sent to the api
$data = array(
    'description'   =>  'a new description',
    'archived'      =>  true

// do the call
$api->put("database/{$id}", $data);

The example above requires the CopernicaRestApi class.

More information