Setting up the REST service

Warning: You are viewing the documentation for the old REST API. We recommend using version 2 of the REST API.

The Copernica REST API allows you to create applications that can access and modify all data in a Copernica account, and for example start campaigns.

The methods in the Copernica REST API are only accessible if you have an access token. There are two ways to get such a token: via the access token generator in the dashboard, and via the official OAuth procedure.

As said, the Copernica API is implemented according to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization protocol, also utilized by Google, Facebook, Linkedin and other major web applications. So if you're already familiar with those, you will have your connection up and running within any minutes from now.

This graph depicts the procedure to link an external application to
Copernica using the OAuth 2.0

This graph depicts the procedure to link an external application to Copernica using the OAuth 2.0 protocol

Let's get started

In order to make authorized calls, your application must obtain an access token on behalf of a Copernica account. If you do not have Copernica account yet, you can register your free account on to get started.

In this example we'll be using a fictional external application The goal is to enable users with an account to give this site access to their data in Copernica.

Registering your application

Before you can even start implementing the OAuth protocol, you need to register your application on the dashboard. By registering your application you will obtain the client key and secret key. This basically is the login and password of your application. Both are needed for your application to authenticate itself to Copernica.

Go to your dashboard on Go to the developers section to retrieve the client_key and the client_secret

  • client_key

Identifies the client that is making the request.

  • client_secret

This is the secret token, so don't share it with anyone you don't trust.

On your website, make a hyperlink that users can click to connect their account with their Copernica account. The link should point to the following location, and includes a bunch of GET parameters. These parameters are further elaborated below.

The complete authentication URL (for readability, we have not encoded the variables, although in reality you should of course encode them): string&response_type=code
  • client_id This is the public client key obtained in the first step.
  • state This is a random session string and can be anything. It is used to prevent forgery by malicious users. Therefore this string MUST be a 'hard to guess' string. Otherwise the procedure will fail. The state value is later matched against the authentication response from Copernica. You can for example use a 32 bytes md5 hash string that is generated by a script on your server.
  • redirect_uri This is the location on your server where the user will be redirected to after he has given access. A typical location would be
  • response_type This parameter only accepts the value 'code'. So this GET parameter is always response_type=code
  • scope In future releases of the API you will be able to determine an access scope. This would enable you for example to constraint the access to a single database only. Currently scope isn't implemented yet, so you're automatically authorizing access to all data.

User authorizes application access

Once a user clicks on your hyperlink to authorize your application, the user is redirected to a web form on the website to confirm this access. The user will be asked to enter his login credentials. If the user has access to more than one account, he will also be asked to select the account that he would like your application to get access to.

Authorization successful

After the user has confirmed access to his account on the website, he is redirected to the supplied redirect URI. Two extra URI parameters have been added to this URI: state and code. The value of the state is the same string value that you provided in the first step. The code is a security string that is generated by Copernica.


`[your random string]&code=[unique hash code]`

Is the code parameter missing in the redirect URL? Make sure that your state parameter added to your authentication URL is at least a MD5 hash string.

Verify identification

Once the user returned to your site, it's it time to convert the code variable that was supplied in the redirect URL to the access token that can be used for the API calls.

As we explained above, two parameters were added to the redirect URL. The state parameter holds the same string identifier that you had set in the first link. It is now up to you to compare if this state value is indeed identical to the value you had set. If it is not, you obviously should refuse this request.

The other parameter is the parameter code. To convert this code into an access token, you will have to download the access token from the site via the following URL:  
    client_id = client_key   
    client_secret =  client_secret   
    redirect_uri =
    code = The security string generated by Copernica

Note that the redirect_uri parameter is not used, thus no more redirects will follow. It is only used to verify that the access token retrieval comes from the same location as the previous redirect.

If the request is accepted, Copernica will send a JSON document that contains the access token only:

{ access_token : "ed430a95c58fd7d2830c9dc453396cf5" }

With this access token you can start doing API calls. You can also store this token in a database, because it will stay valid until it is manually revoked by the user.

Creating the API calls

You've got everything up and running now and can start making calls to the Copernica Marketing Software.

The below example shows you how you retrieve data from a profile (a database record) with its unique ID in Copernica. A call is always accompanied with the access token as a query string:

View our REST API documentation for in depth information on making API calls.

Revoking access data

Users of Copernica can easily revoke access to your application from their admin panel in Copernica. The access token will be destroyed and calls from your application will get an error response from our servers.

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