REST API v4 conditions: Change

Conditions are smaller parts of rules. Only one condition has to be satisfied to satisfy a rule. Every condition has a few specific properties.

This article is about the change condition. If you're looking for any other condition you can find them in the More information section.

Individual properties

The change condition has the following parameters:

  • change-type: The changetype of the changecondition. See the change types table.
  • field: Database field to be changed/not changed.
  • interest: Database interest to be changed/not changed.

Change types

The following table contains the possible values for the change type and their descriptions.

Change type Description
any Any change
none No change
field Field value changed
nofield Field value not changed
new Profile was created
notnew Profile was not created
edit Profile was edited
noedit Profile was not edited
newsubprofile New subprofile added
nonewsubprofile No new subprofile added
editsubprofile Subprofile was edited
noeditsubprofile Subprofile was not edited
removesubprofile Subprofile was removed
noremovesubprofile Subprofile was not removed
interest Interest setting changed
gotinterest Interest added that was not there before
lostinterest Interest lost that was there before

Date properties

The date properties can be used to limit the selection to a specified time period. You can use the date property as follows:

  • before-time: The timestamp before which the change must have occured.
  • after-time: The timestamp after which the change must have occured.
  • before-mutation: The beforemutation (time difference) of the changecondition.
  • after-mutation: The aftermutation (time difference) of the changecondition.

You can specify the value for the 'time' properties in the following format:

'2022-01-01 00:00:00'

The 'mutation' properties accept the following string for the value:

'["plus/minus", "count", "unit(second,minute,hour,day,week,month or year)", "floorto(second,minute,hour,day,month or year)"]'
'["plus", "0", "day", "day"]'

JSON example

The following JSON demonstrates how to use the API method:

    "type": "Change",
    "change-type": "any"

PHP example

We use a condition here when there has ever been a change in any of the data.

// dependencies

// change this to your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 4);

// add data for the call
$data = array(
    // select email condition
    'type' => 'Change',

    // select change type
    'change-type' => 'any'

// execute the call
$result = $api->post("rule/id/conditions", $data);

// print the result

This example requires the REST API class.

More information