REST API v4: POST imports

By sending an HTTP PUT request to the following URL it is possible to import data:

Available parameters

The following parameters are available for the method.

  • database: The ID of the database.
  • name: Name of the import.
  • followups: Do we need to execute followups on (sub)profiles in the import? (true/false)
  • autostart: Do we need to execute the import immediately? (true/false)
  • rebuild: Do we need to rebuild the selections after the import? (true/false)
  • action: What is the action of the import? Options: add, update, update or add, ignore or add, delete.
  • keyFields: Array of key fields that are used in the import.
  • ignoreEmptyFields: Do we need to ignore empty fields in the import and keep the original values? (true/false)
  • removeMissing: Do we need to remove (sub)profiles from the database that are not in the import file? (true/false)
  • deleteTarget: When the action is delete you can define here what you want to remove. (profile/subprofile)
  • location: URL to the external location of the import file.
  • source: The data of the import if the import is not at an external location (string of array).
  • format: Optional parameter where you can set the format of the source when this is a string. (csv/json)
  • delimiter: Delimiter of the data. Required for CSV and non-array input. ("\t", ",", ";")

Note: default value is bold.

JSON example

The following JSON demonstrates how to use the API method:

  "database": 1,
  "name": "import_name",
  "followups": true,
  "autostart": true,
  "rebuild": "false",
  "action": "update or add",
  "keyFields": ["email"],
  "ignoreEmptyFields": false,
  "removeMissing": false,
  "format": "json",
  "source": [
          "email": "",
          "name": "John"
          "email": "",
          "name": "Jane"

PHP example

The following PHP script demonstrates how to use this method.

// dependencies

// change this to your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 4);

// data to be sent to the api
$data = array(
    "database"  => 1,
    "name"      => "TestImport",
    "rebuild"   => true,
    "action"    => "update or add",
    "keyFields" => array("Email"),
    "format"    => "json",
    "source"    => '[
            "Email": "", 
            "Contactpersoon": "Jeroen" 
            "Email": "", 
            "Contactpersoon": "Danny" 

// do the call
$api->post("imports/", $data);

The example above requires the CopernicaRestApi class.


The order of the fields used in the 'source' parameter must be in the same order for all profiles. Based on the example above, this will not work:

    "Email": "", 
    "Contact": "Jeroen" 
    "Contact": "Danny",
    "Email": ""

PHP example with subprofiles

The following example demonstrates how to use this method in combination with subprofiles:

// dependencies

// change this to your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 4);

// data to be sent to the api
$data = array(
    "database"  => 1,
    "name"      => "TestImport",
    "rebuild"   => true,
    "action"    => "update or add",
    "keyFields" => array("Email", "Order.OrderID"),
    "format"    => "json",
    "source"    => '[
            "Email": "", 
            "Contactpersoon": "Jeroen",
            "Order.OrderID": "00001", 
            "Order.Status": "Completed" 
            "Email": "", 
            "Contactpersoon": "Danny",
            "Order.OrderID": "00001", 
            "Order.Status": "Completed" 

// do the call
$api->post("imports/", $data);

The example above requires the CopernicaRestApi class.


The order of the fields used in the 'source' parameter must be in the same order for all (sub)profiles. Based on the example above, this will not work:

    "Email": "", 
    "Contact": "Jeroen",
    "Order.OrderID": "00001", 
    "Order.Status": "Completed" 
    "Email": "", 
    "Contact": "Danny",
    "Order.Status": "Completed",
    "Order.OrderID": "00001" 

More information