The REST API in a nutshell

The REST API is very easy to use. HTTP requests are sent to Copernica's servers and then used to fetch data (HTTP GET), create data (HTTP POST), modify data (HTTP PUT) or delete data (HTTP DELETE). These requests are processed by our API servers and if the call results in data it will be sent back in a format that can easily be handled by computers (JSON).

REST version

Currently we are using version 2 of the API. In this newest version some calls were moved to make it clearer which calls were unique to the Marketing Suite or the Publisher. The new version of the API is easier to understand and offers some new calls to help you manage all data surrounding your mailings.

Upgrading to v2

  1. If you are using our CopernicaRestAPI class you can now instantiate it with a version parameter. Your instantiation currently should look somewhat like this:

$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token");

You should replace the class with the updated code that supports both versions and change the line constructing the class to the following:

$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 2);

  1. Check all of the URL's you use for your mailing related calls. They have been moved and the new locations can be found in our documentation.

Registering your app

To prevent unauthorized applications from accessing the API we have protected it with access tokens. To use the API you must register your website or app with Copernica to receive such an access token.

Copernica uses the OAuth protocol to authorize applications to access the REST API. This is a standardized protocol that requires you to register your website or app first. You can do so by using the registration form on the dashboard of the Copernica website. It is not possible to register for the REST API in the Marketing Suite or Publisher. After completing this registration you can find another form on the dashboard that allows you to link one or multiple accounts.

After you've registered your application and have linked it to your account, you will get access to the API token. This is a long string of alphanumeric characters that you should pass to each API call. Once you have this access token, you can test whether you have access to the API by entering the following URL in your browser:

In the URL you will have to replace the text "youraccesstoken" with you own access token. If you have successfully completed the registration process, this method returns a JSON object with the name of your company and account.

HTTP requests

The REST API uses the HTTP protocol for exchanging data. Your website or app simply can simply send an HTTP request to one of our API servers to access the data stored by Copernica. There are four types of requests that are supported:

  • GET: Fetches data
  • POST: Creates/appends data
  • PUT: Edits data
  • DELETE: Removes data

This distinction is important. It makes a big difference whether you send a HTTP GET or a HTTP POST request to the server. While the URL might be the same the type of method will determine whether data is retrieved (GET) or overwritten (PUT)!

In practice the difference between HTTP POST and HTTP PUT is not as sharp. For most URL's our servers treat the POST and PUT requests completely the same. If you send a POST request to a method that only supports PUT, we treat your call as if it was a PUT call. However, there are methods that do treat PUT and POST differently, so we recommend that you stick to the type of method that is mentioned in our documentation, as changes to API calls could be made in the future.

More information

The following articles also contain information about the REST API: