Extra variables for follow-ups

For follow-up actions, extra variables are made available that enable you to recieve information about the action that preceded. This can be usefull for example when you want to make a follow-up action that sends an email to a fixed address containing information about a webform or survey that was submitted.

Please note that smarty 2 is still being used within follow-up actions. This requires the oldschool foreach syntax to loop through the array.


    {foreach from=$mailing.trigger.fields.interests key=k item=v}
      <li>{$k}: {$v}</li>

Variables available in follow-up actions

//always available
$mailing // return NULL

// When was the mailing sent
.sendtime $mailing.sendtime

// ++ when was the mailing triggered ++ //

// what time was the follow-up action triggered? (datetime)

// What time was the follow-up action executed? (datetime)

// by which profile was the follow-up triggered (array)

// The subprofile that triggered the follow-up action. 

// Without a fieldname specified, it will return an array with data of the subprofile. 

// ++ by database or collection ++ //

// The fields that were updated in the follow up (array)

// only for profiles, the Interest fields that were updated (array)

// ++ by webform ++ //

// the submitted fields (array)

// the submitted interests (profiles only, array)

// information about the person who submitted the form (array)

// information about the (sub)profiles updated/created (array)

// ++ by survey ++ //

// outputs an xml file with given answers

// outputs an html file with given answers

// returns an array with answers of respondent

// ++ by any mailing ++ //

// timestamp of mail sent in follow-up acion (datetime)

// ++ by mailing ++ //

// Name of the document that triggered the follow-up (string)

//  Document date created of the snaphot triggered (datetime)

//  Subject of the document in the follow-up (string)